Create you own scent of Christmas using typical Spanish ingredients. This is not something you can eat but it is a typical Spanish recipe nonetheless. Prepare in advance as it takes about two months before it is ready

You will need:
One orange
powdered cinnamon
whole cloves (about one jar per orange)
large plastic box with lid

1. Push each clove firmly into the orange, leaving a small space in between each one. Begin at the top and do a line all the way round and then repeat halfway round so your orange is separated into quarters.
2. Fill in the segments with more cloves until the whole orange is covered.
3. Once covered, place the orange in a large enough plastic box.
4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and ensure the whole orange is covered.
5. Seal the box with the lid and leave for 6-8 weeks to allow the orange to dry out
6. During this time, shake the box every two weeks or so but do not open.